Episode #180
In this Fasting Q&A episode, hosted by Coach Lisa Chance, Dr. Jason Fung answers questions from the TFM Community:
1. We’re getting more questions about children and insulin resistance. Of course the parents should always check with their pediatrician, but could you speak on what type of diet a child could be on if they start showing signs of a metabolic issue, especially if the mother had gestational diabetes while carrying them? [01:47]
2. If someone lost their sense of smell during COVID, but could smell during a five-day fast, would it be a good idea to keep at it, hopefully, for a permanent restoration of their sense of smell? [04:56]
3. I can’t quite make myself fast for more than 24 hrs. In the last three, months I’ve started eating once a day, mostly every day, with 17 to 24 hours fasting in between. Would I be able to completely reverse the type 2 diabetes if I stick to this way of eating? [08:10]
4. Dr. Fung, in one of your videos you suggested eating your protein and fat ten minutes before eating carbs. How many grams of fat or protein are required? [12:10]
5. Could Dr. Fung discuss Carnivore as an elimination diet, and what his thoughts are about adopting it as a long-term diet? [18:22]
6. I have a CGM and my BG goes up about after my first meal, plateaus at that higher level, goes up even higher after the second meal, and then slowly returns to the original level overnight. Does this mean that my meals are too close together? Should I wait to have the second meal only when my BG returns to the original value after one meal? [23:06]
7. Is it important to have a ketone monitor or CGM? Are blood ketone monitors more accurate? [25:25]
8. It seems to me that just getting one blood test (fasting glucose) to determine if you’re pre-diabetic or not could be very misleading, given the variability? [27:39]
9. Why and how do non-caloric, sugar-free, natural sweeteners, such as Atevia and Truvia, raise insulin? [29:26]
Dr. Fung’s YouTube video, Why Food Order Matters:
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